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Groundwater flooding in villages surrounding Andover

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Flood Alert

Groundwater flooding in villages surrounding Andover

Groundwater levels in the villages surrounding Andover remain very high. In the last 7 days, the weather has been dry. At Clanville, the level has stabilised. Cellar flooding is expected to be ongoing in Appleshaw and Hatherden, and is possible in Penton Grafton. Groundwater is flooding the main road into Penton Grafton and is emerging into Deacon and Down Road, Kimpton. Impacts to the sewerage systems in Penton Mewsey and Appleshaw are expected to be ongoing. From today 17/02/2025 to Friday 21/02/2025, only small amounts of rain are forecast, with up to 15mm possible across these 5 days. Groundwater levels at Clanville will remain relatively stable initially, before beginning to slowly fall later this week. If heavy rain affects the area, then cellar flooding in Kimpton and surface water flood risk in Thruxton could occur during February. We continue to monitor the forecast. If you have pumps to help reduce water levels, please ensure that they are operating. This Flood Alert will be updated by 18:00 on Monday 24/02/2025.
Text as issued by The Environment Agency
Last updated at: 12:19 Feb 17
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