FloodMapperUK Data Accuracy

Welcome to FloodMapperUK. Our platform provides vital flood-related information, but it's important to understand the limitations and inherent uncertainties in our data.

Data Sources and Consistency

We source data from various external agencies. This data, while informative, can sometimes be inconsistent or even contradictory. Instances may occur where river height data appears extremely high or inaccurate.

A note on sewage data

We have aimed to present the data we have received in an accessible format. The data from the various government agencies are in both disjoint and difficult to process formats. We have made best efforts to present this as is. Crucially, we have not modified underlying data. We are using various calculation methods based on this data, such as the total amount of time in days and the number of olympic swimming pools for volume.

- An olympic swimming pool is defined as 2,500 cubic metres. View Definition: .
- The total amount of duration of spills, which we have totalled and aggregated, is the sum of the amount of individual spills.

For transparency, floodmapper itself calculated, based upon local stations for a place:
- Yearly Discharge Hour Totals for Places, such as Towns/Cities etc.
- Yearly Volume Totals in cubic metres (m3) for Places, such as Towns/Cities etc.
- Yearly Volume Totals in "Olympic Swimming Pools" for Places, such as Towns/Cities etc.
- Yearly Total Spill Numbers for Places, such as Towns/Cities etc.
- Yearly nearby station uptimes, presented as % of the year
- Total (lifetime of data) Discharge Hour Totals for Places, such as Towns/Cities etc.
- Total (lifetime of data) Volume Totals in cubic metres (m3) for Places, such as Towns/Cities etc.
- Total (lifetime of data) Volume Totals in "Olympic Swimming Pools" for Places, such as Towns/Cities etc.
- Total (lifetime of data) Total Spill Numbers for Places, such as Towns/Cities etc.
- Total (lifetime of data) nearby station uptimes, presented as % of the total time available

For transparency, floodmapper itself calculated, for individual stations:
- Station uptime, presented as % of the year
- Yearly Volume Totals in "Olympic Swimming Pools"
- Total (lifetime of data) Discharge Hour Totals, usually expressed in years.
- Total (lifetime of data) Volume Totals in cubic metres (m3)
- Total (lifetime of data) Volume Totals in "Olympic Swimming Pools"
- Total (lifetime of data) Total Spill Numbers
- Total (lifetime of data) Station Uptime, presented as % of the total time available

Again, none of the above was calculated by modifying any source data

Yearly data for individual stations was provided by various government/regulatory bodies (e.g. EA, NRW or SEPA).
Given the processing of this amount of individual sewage stations data, where the data is in a bad initial format, it is possible there are errors. Please report these and we can correct them.

Timeliness and Updates

Our data may not always be the most current due to delays in updates from our sources or technical issues.

Mapping and Locational Accuracy

Details such as catchment areas, river names, or locations of river level gauges might contain inaccuracies.

Varying Reporting Cadences

Some monitoring stations, like river level monitors, report data at different intervals. These can range from every 15 minutes to once per day, affecting the timeliness of the data displayed on our platform.

Usage Caution

Given these potential discrepancies, we urge users not to solely rely on our data for critical decisions. Always cross-reference with other reliable sources and exercise caution and judgement.

Data Verification

Please note that FloodMapperUK does not currently verify or check the accuracy of the data provided by third parties. The data is used as received from the source. Any underlying errors, inconsistencies, or inaccuracies in the original data will be reflected in the information presented on our platform. Users are advised to exercise their own judgment and caution when using the data for decision-making purposes.


We aim to be transparent with how accurate our data is. We will be developing a report, which will be available on this page at a later date, which will summarise how up to date and accurate we believe the data is on this platform (relative to our external data sources).

FloodMapperUK is an independent site and is not associated with any government bodies (e.g. Environment Agency).
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