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Upper River Stour

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Flood Alert

Upper River Stour

River levels remain high in the Ashford area, today Wednesday 11/12/2024, as a result of rainfall over the last few days. Flooding of roads and low lying land is possible today 11/12/2024, property flooding is not expected. Flooding is forecast to affect locations near roads and rivers in the Ashford area. The forecast is improving but river levels will remain high throughout this evening. We are closely monitoring the situation and our incident response staff are prepared to respond if required. Avoid using low lying footpaths and any bridges near local watercourses and do not attempt to walk or drive through flood water. This message will be updated tomorrow morning 12/12/2024, or as the situation changes.
Text as issued by The Environment Agency
Last updated at: 16:14 11 Dec
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Whitewater and Ruckinge Dykes

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South Ashford on the East Stour River, Aylesford Stream, Whytewater Dyke and Ruckinge Dyke

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East Stour from Sellinge to South Ashford

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