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Middle Nene

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Flood Alert

Middle Nene

River levels remain high in the River Nene following recent heavy rainfall, which has led to flooding of low-lying land and roads close to the river. We expect the river to remain high throughout today and flooding to gardens, driveways or outhouses is possible close to the river. Our forecasts indicate that flooding inside properties isn't likely but we will continue to monitor the need for flood warnings. We are constantly monitoring river levels and have staff in the field checking for blockages and clearing weedscreens. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated online and on FloodLine by Thursday 12th December, or before if the situation changes.
Text as issued by The Environment Agency
Last updated at: 13:06 11 Dec
Further Local Information
Nearby Flood Warnings
Nearby Alert Areas
No flood warning icon

Isolated properties and villages near the River Nene from Wellingborough to Thrapston

Local Stations
No nearby stations
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