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Lower River Soar in Leicestershire

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Flood Alert

Lower River Soar in Leicestershire

River levels remain high at the Pillings Lock river gauge as a result of persistent rainfall over the past weekend. Consequently, the risk of flooding remains. Areas most at risk are low-lying agricultural land and roads including Slash Lane at Sileby and the Mountsorrel to Sileby road and Sileby Mill road, and farmlands at Cossington, Sileby, Barrow, Quorndon and Cotes. No further rainfall is forecast. We expect river levels to remain high for the next 48 hours. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low-lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low-lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. To check the status of road closures online, please visit the One Network live map. This message will be updated by 17:00 tomorrow, 12/12/24, or as the situation changes.
Text as issued by The Environment Agency
Last updated at: 15:57 11 Dec
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